
Your lie is fallng apart

I realize now I really want to keep this blog alive. I've decided that I really want this blog to survive as opposed to all the other ones that I've had. Mainly because they were crap. And I like blogger.

This entry certainly won't be quite as fantastic as the last one but I can't have inspiration smack late at night all the time. I wrote the entry at almost 3 in the morning. Yet is says I posted just before 10pm. If only that was the case. At the moment, I am waiting to go to work. Basically just for the night shift. It won't be long, this will probably turn out to a 3 hour shift. Not that I'm complaining because I have long shifts for the next two days. I'm grateful for getting Friday night off and now that I have Saturday nights off, it's even better!

I can't be cross every time I want to update my blog. These are the good things happening now and I need to pay attention to those things or I'll drive myself insane. A la 2 hours ago I was seething mad. I've mellowed now, obviously, but it's not a good way to stat my day.

It's been a half hour since my shift began. I wonder where my ride is?

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